heyaa folks. it's 1am and it's still early [LOL] but i think i really need to sleep now. I've been workin' my butt off the whole day and never took some rest. i'm pretty much exhausted and gotta sleep.
i had a very amazing time spent with EUNICE ONGTECO my Love! :] i just telephoned her! we've been talking for 4 hours(9pm-1am) and that was just a treasure to cherish. -loveyouMahal!-ü
i have many plans! or should i say, "we" have many plans. yearight. hahahaha! i know that i've always said that i'm so busy, but there are just more plans to do! heck yea. like what i said, "I am ACTION-PACKED!".
well i hope these plans would be done. and also, i've a very special mission to accomplish. i hope i can! 'cause that mission's dreadfully intolerable and a lil bit unmanageable.
I'M JUST REALLY HAPPY. Mahal, KABOG! loveyouEuniceMaicaOngteco :]
goodmor-night amigos.
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