Monday, June 15, 2009

What's this feeling. hahahaa :)

Hey folks! After doing a lot of things to day talk about a little bonding with my computer and blogposting? :p Woah. School was stressful. Hmm. The whole day with classes was great and learned enough for this day, did good enough in recitation I guess, the score I got in a quiz this day wasn't really satisfying but that's okay! I know that God always gives me everything that I truly deserve, nothin' to worry about. Just gotta do better next time :)

Well well..I got home by 6:30pm. I was really tired and my feet were aching. And just so you know my hair's braided this day :) Great huh? Yeah. Very nice.ΓΌ I was really tired. I never felt it when I was at school but when I actually got home this day, it's where I actually had an epiphany-like thingy that I started to realize and feel how tiring this day was. Our dismissal time is at 4:15-4:30pm. But we didn't go home yet to watch the students that will be having an audition for our school's cheerdancers. I'd always love to watch great and talented performers and I'd always love to be amazed. So yeah. Uhm yeah like nothing much. With a little surprise within this day, the stressfulness that this day brought me was I guess WORTH IT. I don't know. I'm somewhat outlandishly happy. LOL

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