Dear Mr. Love Consultant,
Hello, Mister. My name's Ingrid and I'm from Wisconsin. Firstly, I'd just like to personally congratulate you for the 2 years of success that your radio program has achieved. I'm one of your avid listeners all over the planet, I genuinely love listening to your program each and every night. Not only does it nurse the hearts of the inconsolable people, but those who aren't even heartbroken can also pick up something really good too. I have to say this: YOUR PROGRAM ROCKS! AND SO DO YOU, MISTER! :) And also, this is my 7th time sending you a letter. I've already done 6 attempts of sending you the same letter, with the very same content. But I guess it was only one of those major epic fails I'd get in my years of existence. Since last week, I've been trying to send this, and after I sent 'em I listened later each night to find out if I'd get the lucky chance for you to pick and choose my letter that it could be read on the radio for all your listeners to hear my story. But that never happened within the whole previous week. And now, I just expectantly hope that my 7th try hits the target tonight.
Okay, sorry for the long intro, Mister. I know you sorta hate long intro's but I just had to say all of those stuffs there. Now let's talk turkey here and put the cards on the table -I will now get to the main point. I may not be heartbroken, but I do have a problem right now. I am not heartbroken, I'm in fact very happy..very happy that this whole fling has nearly blinded me. I'm sorry, Mister but I'm really having a hardtime explaining every detail here. It'll certainly take me long novels to write before I could explicate my point. OH MAN, WHERE DO I START NOW?
Mr. Love Consultant, my big question is: How wrong is it for me to be in a relationship?
Okay, that didn't sound right. I know that anybody who's in a relationship would rarely ask that, or even never ask something like that. Sounds quite stupid, but that question isn't finished yet. It's only like a phrase there - it doesn't express a
complete thought yet. Right, I need to explain this now 'cause everything's now making you feel perplexed. (SORRY) Alright. Alright, Mister. You see, I have a boyfriend right now. But there's a catch there... The guy is 18 years older than me. @_@
Sure, people have always said "Age doesn't matter". But realistically speaking, that statement could be proven wrong too. It's easy to say that, but once you get into a relationship where you know you have a huge age gap with the person, you'll suddenly say, "Sometimes, it isn't really like that." I say that 'cause I experience it..just lately. I can't believe it, Mister. I'm only 18 years old and I'm deeply inlove with a 36-year old man. And wait, did I mention he's my first boyfriend? It's Things just happened so quick, at once. I never expected this -Okay I'm lying. I sorta-kinda-slightly-a bit expected this, but seriously?!! NEVER THOUGHT THAT MY IMPRACTICAL EXPECTATIONS WOULD COME TRUE. I did like him the first time we met, but seriously?! Didn't see this coming, Mister!
We first met at my friend's party.
He seemed like a huge party animal, and he had been burning on the dance floor the whole time. He caught my eyes, he was very noticeable and stood out pretty much. He was super striking, his moves appealed to me like holy smokes. I joined all my friends dancing, and I realized he was circulating over the whole dance floor, mingling with different people, dancing with each and every person he didn't even personally know. And I figured, "This is going to be great." I just stayed there shaking and grooving to the boppin' music, waiting for the moment that he comes up dancing to me. And it happened. When he approached me, and we started dancing and everything, that was just the beginning. It was real late when I went home. I went home with a love-struck smile beamed all over my face, not thinking that my life would be changed that night.
Since that night, I would receive several phone calls from him, with myself returning the call. Sending e-mails, back-and-forth, all those stuffs infatuated people would do. I thought it was cute. Days have passed so fast, as fast as I have gotten crazy for the guy. I could tell he feels the same way. It didn't take long 'til he asked me out quite often, to the point that I have lied to my parents. I HID EVERYTHING ABOUT THE TWO OF US, I HID THEM FROM MY PARENTS. Aside from the fact that they didn't let me have a boyfriend yet, I figured it would be worse if they knew I was dating a guy who's 18 years older than me. I wholeheartedly love, respect, and show consideration for my parents..but honestly, Mister, I can't believe that for the very first time, I hid something very clandestine from them. Only my bestfriend knew, and I think my boyfriend has also told a trusted friend of him about it. It's a crazy relationship, and I'm enjoying it so much...or I was enjoying earlier. I felt very secure around him, it's like I'm safe and sound in his arms. "You're on my mind all the time. I think I'm stuck on you." he told me once. That was the sweetest thing I heard from him, and boy did I act like a smitten cat. I was so love-struck this time, pretty crazy. When he confessed his true feelings to me, and told me that he really loves me, honestly it wasn't hard to believe his words. 'Cause I felt it pretty much. Everytime I'm with him I can tell he truly cares about me, it's as simple as that. And he respects me. I remember one time, we accidentally spent the night over his crib, and ofcourse we slept in his room, like in one bed. But with no holds barred, I can truthfully tell you and everyone else that NOTHING HAPPENED THERE. I was in fact treated like a newborn baby, if you know what I mean. (laughs) We just cuddled, kissed, and he just kept stroking and caressing me to sleep. I felt like I was on cloud nine. I felt his sincerity all along.

Almost a perfect relationship, I don't understand why there needs something to bother me. We're like the happiest people on Earth now, but why can't these catches just leave us alone?! First, I'm hiding it from my parents...a very bad and regretful act of a child to the parents. He's also hiding it from people. Our relationship is like..."cloak-and-dagger-love". Even I couldn't quite figure it out why we had to keep it a secret. We're very happy but if you just examine our relationship very well, you can say that it really feels sad that it can't be open to the public. The second and main catch, is the age gap. Like honestly! As I said, it's easy to say age doesn't matter but it's never really like that at all! I'm 18, young and still have bright plans for myself, what if this relationship would only be the one to hinder me from achieving my goals? What if it gets in my way one day and makes me ruin my beautiful dreams? What if he proposes?! What if he asks me to marry him?! I'M DOOMED! I know he told me once, "I'm willing to wait however long it will be" But nobody can tell, that promise could be broken too. In my mind, thoughts are playing. Can he really wait? Will his feelings never really change couple of years from now? I love him so much and I know I just need to trust him, but honestly it's so hard not to doubt about it. It's complicated! He has no idea about how much I'm struggling right now. I'm not telling him any of these things, I don't want him to worry more about me, about us. I love him very much, he loves me very much too, but I just have to take in a lot of things to consideration. It's hard.
Mister, should the two of us keep going steady or is it better that I break up with him? I know you give the most excellent advices ever, and you're all that I need now. Both decisions have their own consequences that will surely make me suffer, but on the bright side I know I will see their own significance too. Things will have to happen for a reason, that's a fact. I just hope I choose the very right thing to do, and you can help me figure out what's better, please, Mister. Thanks in advance.
Love, Ingrid
What'suppie folks?! It was too early when I woke up, I got nothing to do and I ended up basically doing this
short fictional lover's note. HAHA. Anyways, whatcha guys think of this? If you were Mr. Love Consultant, what advice would you give to Ingrid? She'd love to know. ;) And oh, The Sims 3 (EA) is really a good means of
illustrating your thoughts. ;)
WOA NICA!! you really are gettin better and better and better on this ;)) anyways, should Ingrid broke his boyfriend? ARE YOU SERIOUS?? she better not! finish college then marry him AND go sumwer soooooo far wer cases like hers are accepted.. i sugest madagascar LOL ;))
PS. how come you never let go of this idea?? i remember you asking "that" question to..uhm.. random pipol! ;)) --- tell me..who's that guy much much older than you? HAHA--kiddin ;)
What the fudge are you talkin' about dude? What are you sayin, "I never let go of this idea"? HAHAHAHAA. And wtfudge, I've asked "that question" to random people? Really? Like who? HAHHAHAHA. I don't know what you're talkin about.
But anyways, THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH FOR THE COMPLIMENT. And also, thank you for the opinion you suggested, that will really help mee.....uhmm..ermm*clears throat* I mean, Ingrid. That will really help Ingrid. LOL :))))
And another thing, TOUCH YOUR BLOGSPOT! You need to! You miss bloggin, I'm sure ;)
dunno? you serious? I'LL MAKE YOU REMEMBER THEN..
and you went like "could a 14yr old girl and a 26yr old guy be in a relationship?? (not sure bout the age tho..and its not exactly the same line,of course--but that's the idea)
and helyea! I KNEW IT! you really think i'll let this pass? did i helped you, ingrid?? LOLOL ;) lemme guess..jhong? coco? LMAOLMAOLMAO ;)))))))
i know right? but heck i cant ;(
First of all, when I asked that...I was 14yrs old. We were in 2nd year!!! Do you really think that during that time I already had that idea in mind? ;knowing that those two men you mentioned were not yet that "trending" during our 2nd year days. I mean, that was like 2007-2008 maan! :)) GET WHAT I MEAN?
And you really have to touch your blogspot. I miss your stimulating writings. It's hard to be alone on blogspot you know, I need to have somebody else who does the same stuff, that can be another source of strength and "inspiration" in writing. We should cooperate dude! HHAHAHAHAHA
"...I was 14yrs old. We were in 2nd year!!! Do you really think that during that time I already had that idea in mind?"
and FYI we were in 4th yr when i heard you asked that thing...
fine fine it may not be those two..but if its not 'em then there must be SOMEONE ELSE..rayt? question is WHOOOOOOOOOOO???? hahaha
LOL! guess yer right.. WE SHOULD COOPERATE!! lolol. we both need this..thing is my writer self is used up by all the paper works in school.crap they're too many! >.< but hey..just to let you know I enjoy reading your posts. i may not have the time to compose a writing but i cud have the time to read ;)
Forget that topic and let's just leave it at that shall we? ;)
Anyways...YES! WE DEFINITELY BASICALLY ABSOLUTELY REALLY SHOULD COOPERATE, INDEED! lool ;)) That's gonna be one heck of a party fun fooh sure! You know what, sometimes when I'm doin' nothin, the thought of you and I workin' together in this line of work comes across my mind. Idk, i guess i just look forward to that moment when both you and I connive and brainstorm brilliant ideas and everything. I just think that it is one of the most amazing miracles on the planet! LOL "MIRACLE".. Basta, I think it's wonderful. I mean c'mon, I actually think that when we get older, like say we graduate already, I think that many people would really wish for that chance of getting to work with you. I mean like, "Who doesn't want to work with the one and only Joyce Anne Quinto...or actually, JaQui?" Hahahaa That's how I see it. You're just brilliant, everybody finds your ideas brilliant and fresh. YOU ROCK. And thanks for reading my posts too! Hope that pays off. ;) I rly miss you.
(crap i can't believe i almost missed this one >.< )
...great!'coz "that miracle"? is what exactly is in my mind too! i knew it--- it'll be huge after college.we two? hah!EPIC!! XD
and u know what nica? you really have this tendency to be extraordinarily motivating. u just did it to me, AGAIN. that post above stirs me up~ one million love ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥...
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