A frivolous utility with satisfactory functionality, SnapIt accurately lets you "Screen-Capture" objects. You don't have to dawdle around on cropping your captured images. You do realize how a bit complex this whole "'Print Screen'... open image editor... paste from clipboard... crop... export" process is right?
+With the one button click application, press one button and "whatever is visible will be captured". Everything, like long Web pages, the address of a favorite Internet site electronically listed (otherwise known as bookmarks) with their details, CAPTURE THEM ALL WITH ONE BUTTON CLICK.
+Anytime, anywhere, you can set the program's capture capabilities in motion through the global hotkeys - these activate the functional capabilities of the program to capture.
+It supports several image file formats such as JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF file formats.
+It supports Auto-saving. When a selected region is grabbed, it autonames saved files. It also has the "Auto save images to file" (checkbox) option that lets the parameters be applied to all automatically saved files once you set them for auto-saving.
+In relation to the image file formats it supports, any captured image can be pasted to the cursor in MS Word with a click.
People get tired of complicated processes; those processes that are full of twists and turns. Sometimes we want instant procedures, like doing things in "a click". Capture files with a click, auto-save with a click, do them all in a click with this full-featured screen capturing utility.
NOTE: Like it? Review this product on your blog/forum/twitter/facebook, etc, and get a free registration code from Digeus.com! For more details, visit their website:
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