Wednesday, January 13, 2010

First blog for 2010: How my first 13 days of 2010 went; What line of work I've been into, AND TALK ABOUT THE LONGEST BLOG TITLE I'VE EVER POSTED HERE.

First blog for 2010: UHM, HELLO FOLKS
Howdy, my deaaaarest folks! The last time I updated this page was like December 31st, and that was still in 2009! I just realized it now that it has been almost 2 weeks since I last updated my blogspot page, and I haven't even made a post for 2010 yet! Before anything else, Happy New Year my folks. Though I'm not that sure if y'all could still call it a "happy" one after you read my blog for now..if you know what I mean, folks :))

So, last December 22nd, our Christmas break started off --ending up on January 3rd of 2010. With 7 months being active, and busy and all in school, I just couldn't wait for a Christmas break -that's what I badly needed at the time I guess. I mean, okay.. I've to say that school has always been undoubtedly A LOT OF FUN, yet it always has been undoubtedly STRESSFUL as well. So no one could blame me on why I just badly want this break. And when the first day of Christmas break got in action, oh dude I just couldn't have been any happier. I was like "oh boy this is all I ever waited for in my entire life" blah blah blah. It just feels like heaven, dude.

So we got a 2 week-Christmas break. DUDE! 2 weeks of leisure, breathing space, and time out from school works. I made sure that I enjoyed every single second of spending that awesome break. I could tell you folks I was on cloud nine! :)) But I never knew that the very moment this vacay ends, my life would be entering a period of tormenting blocks from SCHOOL EXAMS!!! OH MY GOODNESS, FOLKS. After the period of relaxation and peace, here comes the period of agony! WHAT A WAY TO START 2010!~ HAHAHAHA. Alright, guess I'm bein' exaggerated. But I could really react this wild when wild stuffs get in my way. Hahahaha

I will tell you what exactly it was like: 8 DAYS OF EXAMINATIONS (almost 2 weeks of exams, more accurately). So it was like..our classes resumed on Jan.4, 2010. And right from that moment, till it went on to Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Monday, Tuesday, and FINALLY Wednesday (which is actually today), I COULD TELL YOU I'VE ALMOST BEEN IN SOME NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE HAHAHAHAHA (i told you i'm exaggerated at times). It was exactly 8 days of exams, folks! I couldn't imagine that since 2010 came into being, my classmates, and other schoolfolks and I just faced our inevitable deprivation! Imagine a week of spending almost all of your time studyin' and reviewin' lessons, and you could just feel like you're the most deprived person on the planet. It was totally a non-stop functioning of brains --which I find more exhausting than physical exhaustion 'cause I tend to eat more when it is my mind that gets drained. TOTAL MENTAL TORTURE I SHOULD SAY! hahaha And I am not alone in this; my classmates, and other schoolfolks and I are all together in this. I'm just glad that IT'S ALL OVER NOW, and I am like the most grateful person ever right now. I'm grateful to the Lord for providing me everything I needed at that time, as He always does. IT IS GLORIOUS INDEED.

As a final point, my folks, I've never made a blog on my blogspot page with a title that consumed all of the characters remaining! THIS BLOG TITLE IS ACTUALLY THE LONGEST ONE I HAVE ON BLOGSPOT. :D

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