Thursday, January 28, 2010

PS: Happy 30th Birthday, Nick Carter! :)

Last night I was mawkish in feeling. I can't forget the moment I actually punk'd someone last night. And it was an extemporaneous one, that I never really thought I could punk him that night. We were chatting on YM, and ..idk rly! It was out of the blue. Like, the inspiration of punkin' him just came out, as our conversation went on I suddenly felt like punkin' him and dude, it was a successful one! Was that the effect of bein' mawkish and all? Oh well, things happen.

Anyways, it's January28th: Happy Birthday, Backstreet Boy Nick Carter.ΓΌ

You know what, folks.. Well. Here's a little recap: I know that a lot of folks know that I'm a huge fan of rock music. I mean, like yeah I'm actually a rock-influenced person, I just love rock so much. I like loud noise, those headbangin' songs with cool guitar riffs and stuff, I'M ADDICTED TO THOSE. But what some of my folks don't know is that my "first loves" in music are none other than the Backstreet Boys. HAHA :D I'm a very huge fan of this boy band. I tell you what dude, BSB songs were the ones that I was first, and last listenin' to before I got introduced to the world of rock music. So they'll always have a special place in my ears.. and heart as well ;] My fave Backstreet Boy is Nick Carter. Hm.. He's 30 now. No comment about that HAHAHAHA ;]
Happy Birthday Nicky-Nick :)

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